
St. Pius X commits to Spirit-filled worship and prayer.

Worship and Prayer

Some of the most treasured memories in our Catholic lives are associated with the celebration of the liturgy. We remember with great fondness the Baptism of our children, our First Communion, one’s Wedding day, the funeral of loved ones, Sunday Masses in the parish of our youth. Far from being just one more thing on the parish schedule, the liturgy, more than anything else, has given us our Catholic identity and continues to hold us together as a Catholic people. St. Pius X (our patron)  is often quoted as saying: “The liturgy is the indispensable source of the true Christian spirit.”Over the course of a lifetime we come to appreciate the truth of that statement.

The Sunday liturgy brings the hope of resurrection into our lives. It is where Jesus reaches out and touches us. No matter what sorrow or pain we may be struggling with, no matter how difficult we may find life or how overwhelmed we may be, the Eucharistic presence of the Risen Christ can touch us profoundly and intimately.

This is the gift and teaching of the Catholic faith. That Jesus Christ is present to us during Mass through God’s word proclaimed in Sacred Scripture, through His people assembled to worship, in the priest who presides and, most uniquely, in the Eucharist we share — Christ’s body, blood, soul and divinity. Jesus showers us with graces and blessings at Mass, which brings healing to our bodies as well as our souls.

The gift and mystery of the Eucharist is that Jesus thirsts for our love and nourishes us with Himself so that we can go out and feed a world starving for the love of Christ.

Take part in the Liturgical Ministry.

St. Pius X relies on our parishioner volunteers to bring about the prayerful celebration of the liturgy. Those who serve in the liturgical ministries of our Church come from the gathered faithful to minister to and with them. Liturgical ministers are men, women, young adults, high school youth and children.

Dusting Disciples
Liturgical Ministers
Liturgy Committee

Contact:  402-558-8446  liturgy@stpiusxomaha.org