Welcome Visitors

Thank you for your interest in our parish.  Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, are returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or are here for a funeral, wedding or other event, we welcome you.  
How Can we help you?

Families with small children

Relax!  God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house.  All are welcome! Sit towards the front where it is easier for your little one to see and hear what’s going on at the altar.  They tire of seeing the backs of others’ heads. Quietly explain the parts of the Mass and the actions of the priest, altar servers, choir, etc. Sing the hymns, pray and voice the responses.  Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you. If you have to leave Mass with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back.  As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Remember that the way we welcome children in church directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to one another.  Let them know that they are at home in this house of worship.

Easy Access

All of our Church buildings are accessible. If you are in need of a wheel chair or other assistance, please contact an usher, staff member, or any parishioner and they should be able to provide assistance or direct you to someone who can.

A Non-Catholic in a Catholic Church

Catholic services can be confusing for non-Catholics. Here is some information that might help.  All are welcome to join us in prayer.  We do ask that our guests, and members, show respect for God’s house. The sacred space begins at our Baptismal Font.  At this point we ask all to respect the sacredness of the space by keeping the noise level down so others can pray and refrain bringing in food or drink (except for babies/small children if necessary).


As Catholics, we express our prayer in part through our posture. We stand, sit, and kneel to help us better participate in Mass.  As a guest you are welcome to follow along with the posture.  If you feel uncomfortable kneeling you are welcome to sit. (Video explaining the postures at mass)

The Hymnals

The words of the hymns, prayers, and reading for many services can be found in the Breaking Bread hymnals found in the pews. Hymns are  usually posted digitally on the small display above the organ area. On weekends the readings are found in the Breaking Bread under the day’s date.

Holy Communion

We welcome all people to pray together with us.  For Catholics, Holy Communion, not only nourishes us with the Body and Blood of Christ, it is also the source and summit of our unity, our communion, the profession of our faith as the Body of Christ.  Those who do not profess our faith, non-Catholics, are asked not to receive communion, but are encouraged and welcomed to come up for a blessing. Simply cross your arms in front of your chest. That will tell the priest or the communion minister that you are not receiving communion, but would like a blessing. Additional information can be found inside the front cover of the Breaking Bread Hymnal.

Hearing Assistance

 For the hard of hearing, St. Pius X Church offers a loop system. Hearing aid wearers with a “T” (telecoil) setting can now hear the service broadcast directly through their hearing aids. Others desiring hearing assistance may check out a portable receiver and headset.