First Reconciliation
The sacrament of First Reconciliation for children is conferred in November at a special Saturday liturgy. Family and friends of the children are invited to attend this liturgy and receive the sacrament. Children in the Wednesday evening Religious Education Program and the 5-day school program, St. Pius X/St. Leo School, are prepared for First Reconciliation by their catechists and teachers. A parent meeting prior to the reception of First Reconciliation assists parents in also preparing their children.
First Reconciliation is usually, but not exclusively, conferred when the children are second graders. If an older child needs to be prepared for reception of First Reconciliation, this can be easily arranged through a conversation with the Director of Faith Formation. After preparation, a time will be set up with one of the parish priests to confer the sacrament.
First Communion
First Communion is celebrated in the spring, usually the first Sunday after Easter, for second graders in the Wednesday evening Religious Education Program and the 5-day St. Pius X/St. Leo School. A parent meeting prior to Communion assists parents in helping the catechists and teachers prepare the children to receive Holy Communion for the first time.
If an older child desires First Communion, contact the Director of Faith Formation, who will accommodate the child’s needs for preparation and reception of the sacrament. This is easily arranged.
2024 First Communion Handbook – dress & seating info
Confirmation is conferred in December for eighth graders in the Wednesday evening Religious Education Program and the 5-day St. Pius X/St. Leo School. Preparation for the sacrament formally begins during the seventh grade year. Retreats, service and prayer are all part of the formation of candidates for Confirmation, as well as classroom instruction on the sacrament.
Young adults and adults who have not been confirmed and desire to receive the sacrament should contact the Pastor or the Director of Faith Formation, for assistance in Confirmation preparation.
Most Confirmation forms were distributed at the parent meeting in January, though some will be sent home throughout the year.
Confirmation Forms-2025
Confirmation Registration Form
Checklist and Dates
Sponsor Guide
Candidate Only Retreat Consent, Liability, Food allergies -Due Jan. 30
Saint and Sponsor Name Form-April 9
Sponsor Eligibility Form – Due April 9
Discipleship Group Medical Consent & Code of Behavior – Due May 5
Discipleship Journal-Nov. 5
Contact: Colleen Ciciulla, 402-558-1898.