Liturgical Ministers

Liturgical Ministers Schedules

Altar Server

Both youth- and adult-altar serving assist the priest during the celebration of Mass.  Youth assist at weekend liturgies, while adult-servers assist at week-days and funeral liturgies.   A formation session [about 1 ½ hours] for youth, is necessary.

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446

Cantors and Musicians

Cantors and Musicians lead the song of the assembly at all the liturgical celebrations.  They play a vital role in inviting active participation.

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446

 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Another secondary ministry within the Eucharistic Assembly is to help distribute the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ in a dignified and orderly fashion: assuring a reverent and respectful distribution of the Eucharist in a timely manner.  But bringing the Body and Blood of Christ to God’s People assembled at worship is just one way of being an active EMHC.  Bringing, at another time, the Eucharist to those within our community who are homebound, hospitalized or living in residential institutions, is another way of being an active EMHC.  EMHCs may choose to exercise both or one or the other manner of serving God’s People.  An annual archdiocesan training in August leading to  a September mandation liturgy at the cathedral by the archbishop is initially required of anyone wanting to be an active EMHC in either manner.

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446

EMHC’s to Homebound: Parish Office558-8446

Hospitality (Ushers and Greeters)

Usher/greeters are usually the first official representative of the church that people meet when they arrive. The purpose is to be a warm welcome at the church door.

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446


Participating as an Assembly is everyone’s primary ministry at liturgical worship.  There are, within the Eucharist, further ministries which tend to specific needs of God’s People.  Hearing the Word of God proclaimed clearly, with reverence, energy and joy is a most critical need for the assembled People of God.  Lectors are lay men and women within the Assembly who step forward and offer to minister to this need.  Formational sessions by both the archdiocese and the parish help lectors-to-be trained for this most important ministerial task.  After completing the archdiocesan session in August, lector-candidates are mandated in September at the cathedral by the archbishop.

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446