Liturgical Ministers

Liturgical Ministers Schedules

Altar Server

Both youth and adults assist the priest at the altar during the celebration of Mass.  Youth assist at weekend liturgies, while adults s assist at weekdays and funeral liturgies.   A formation session [about 1 ½ hours] for youth, is necessary. Click on the link above to access the training.

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446

Cantors and Musicians

Cantors and Musicians lead the song of the assembly at all the liturgical celebrations.  They play a vital role in inviting active participation.

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446

 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) help distribute the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ during the Mass or by taking it to homebound members of the parish.

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446

EMHC’s to Homebound: Parish Office 402-558-8446

Hospitality (Ushers and Greeters)

Ushers and greeters are usually the first official representative of the church that people meet when they arrive. The purpose is to be a warm welcome at the church door.

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446


Lectors proclaim the Word of God from scripture so that the assembly can hear and understand. 

Contact: Liturgy, 402-558-8446


The Sacristan ensures that everything needed for the liturgy is in place before Mass begins.