The Homebound Ministry is an outreach service that St. Pius X provides to all of its Parishioners.
In an effort to be responsive to the needs of those in our parish who are disabled, sick, or confined to their homes due to temporary or chronic illness, which causes them to miss regularly worshipping with their parish community, we will schedule a communion minister to bring communion to them. A schedule is mutually agreed upon between the Eucharistic Minister and the homebound.
Communion is also taken weekly to Ambassador and Maplecrest Care centers. Names are provided to us by the care centers.
Annointing of the Sick Anointing of the Sick 101 video
This sacrament may be received by any Catholic who is seriously ill, about to undergo major surgery, or in poor health due to age. St. Pius X has two anointing services each year. Individuals may also contact one of the priests.
If you know of a St. Pius X parishioner who would benefit from either communion or anointing please contact the parish office. 402-558-8446
Mass for Shut-Ins
Sundays TV Channel 6 10:30 am
Radio FM 102.7 Noon
Helpful Links
Care Consultants for the Aging-Omaha
Volunteer Opportunites
The Homebound ministry is a ministry that we are hoping to expand. Currently we send the weekly bulletin, which highlights the activities and functions of the parish. We have approximately forty parishioners who are either living at home or at an assisted living facility.
Can you help?
- Visiting homes and/or Care Centers
- Send Cards (birthday, holiday, etc.)
- Take Communion
- Other
We would really like to do more home visits and develop more activities to help keep parishioners who are unable to physically come to church stay involved with the church. If you would like to help with this ministry please contact: the parish office 402-558-8446