Another secondary ministry within the Eucharistic Assembly is to help distribute the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ in a dignified and orderly fashion, assuring a reverent and respectful distribution of the Eucharist. But bringing the Body and Blood of Christ to God’s People assembled at worship is just one way of being an active EMHC. Bringing, the Eucharist to those within our community who are homebound, hospitalized or living in residential institutions, is another way of being an active EMHC. EMHCs may choose to exercise one or both ways of serving God’s People.
EMHCs must be trained and mandated (that is, commissioned) by their parish. If you would like to serve in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at 402-558-8446 for additional information on the archdiocesan training and details about the parish mandation.
Contact: Parish Office, 402-558-8446 or
EMHC’s to Homebound: Parish Office 558-8446