Cantors and Musicians lead the song of the assembly at all the liturgical celebrations. They play a vital role in inviting active participation.
Cantor Is both a singer and a leader of congregational song.
Instrumentalist Provides musical accompaniment to singing or is the sole source of music. A variety of instruments are welcome at St. Pius X
Musical Groups at St. Pius X
- Alleluia Choir: Sings at the 9:30 Sunday liturgy, 3 times a month, First Communion, Confirmation and Holy Days. This group meets Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 for practice.
- Youth Choir: Group of young singers and musicians, lead the music at the 11:30 mass on the 2nd Sunday of the month during the school year.
- 11:30 Group: Varying groups of people
- Several other groups that sing and lead music at the 5:00 pm Saturday evening mass and fill in where needed
Contact: Parish Office, 402-558-8446 or