Baptism-Preparation for Parents

Baptism 101 Video

Wanting to have your child baptized?

Baptism Preparation is designed as a ministry to parents who desire Baptism for their child. The required preparation consists of videos, reading and participation in a session prior to the Baptism. The session includes the theology of Baptism, the symbolism within the sacrament, the role of the community, and the vocation of parenthood.

Baptism Preparation Sessions are offered the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm via Zoom or in the Library in the Church Narthex and are facilitated by trained parishioner couples. Both parents are encouraged to participate, whether Catholic or not.  Pre-registration for the session is required.  Call the Religious Education Office at 402-558-1898.

Scheduling: Please call the Parish Office, 402-558-8446 to schedule your child’s baptism one month in advance of the date of Baptism.
Baptisms are typically celebrated during the regular weekend Masses. 
Note: Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent.

Baptism Registration Form PDF
Online Baptism Registration Form

Parents Helping New Parents
Baptism preparation facilitators meet with parents prior to the Baptism of their child to assist in preparing them for their child’s reception of the sacrament.  Facilitators are usually, but not restricted to, couples.  

The Baptism preparation session is offered the second Thursday  of each month at 7:00 pm via Zoom or in the Library in the Church Narthex. It lasts a little more than an hour.  Facilitator teams sign up to teach the class three times during the year.  All of the facilitators gather once during the year for an evening of renewal.

If you enjoy working with families, especially as they begin the sacramental journey with their children, this ministry is for you!

Contact Colleen Ciciulla,  Faith Formation Office, 402-558-1898