Adult Faith Formation

The parish provides a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth that align with the parish’s mission statement of commitment to “excellence in education for all.”     

Adult faith formation at St. Pius X seeks to “embrace all the faith dimensions of an adult life—for example, understanding and communicating the faith, skills needed for personal growth, the experience of family life, relationships, public service, and concern for the common good” in line with the teaching of the U.S. Bishops on Adult Faith Formation. 

Programs and events grow out of the expressed needs and energy of parishioners who help to plan and present them.  Some examples are:

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  • Bible studies 
  • Small Group Faith Sharing
  • Retreats
  • Parish missions
  • Parish book reads
  • Mornings of reflection
  • DVD series
  • Speakers


Helpful links

Creighton Online Ministries

Theology Matters Presentations

Opportunities for Ministry

The U.S. Bishops say that “faith formation helps adults make ‘a conscious and firm decision to live the gift and choice of faith through membership in the Christian community,’ accepting ‘co-responsibility for the community’s mission and internal life.’ Adults not only receive the ministries of the Christian community, they also contribute to its life and mission through the generous stewardship of their gifts.”

To provide vibrant, rich and relevant faith formation opportunities in our parish, we need your gift – whether it be Administration, Craftsmanship, Discernment of Spirits, Encouragement, Evangelism, Faith, Giving, Healing, Helps, Hospitality, Intercessory Prayer, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy, Missionary, Music, Pastoring, Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Voluntary Poverty, Wisdom, Writing, Public Tongues and the Interpretation of tongues or Technology!

Please contact: Colleen Ciciulla 402-558-1898 if you want to help make Adult Faith Formation a valuable part of our parish community.