
The St. Pius X Finance Council does an incredible job of being good stewards of the financial gifts that you, our parishioners who so generously give to the parish.  They have made a regular practice of updating you with letters and updates in the monthly e-news.   We thought it might also be helpful to clarify some other things, like what exactly do all the different envelopes fund?  Here is the answer to that and some other things that you might be interested in when it comes to your financial gifts to the parish/archdiocese/etc.

Envelopes  Envelopes are mailed to you every two months.  If you are not getting them please call the office. 

Second collection and national collection envelopes are included in your envelopes. Second collections are the 1st weekend of the month.

Regular Sunday, Holy Days, Christmas, Easter, Ash Wednesday, etc.—This money goes into the general operating fund of the parish.

Parking Lot Fund-Repairing and/or replacing the parking lots.

Emergency Outreach/Human Needs Outreach– These funds are used to help meet the needs (specifically with rent, utilities and food) of parishioners and non-parishioners who live within our parish boundaries. Last year’s report of giving.

Deficit Reduction-As we approach the end of the fiscal year (June 30), giving tends to go down. Many people begin to travel and are gone from the parish and so regular donations drop off.  This helps with that end of the year deficit.

Fuel and Heat   During the winter months the usage of this increases. This collection helps with the cost associated with this rise.

Cooling/Light   Similarly to the fuel and heat in January, the usage of the cooling system increases during the heat of the summer.  This helps with that rise.

Tuition Assistance-St. Pius X and St. Leo parishes provide tuition support to students who attend SPSL School.

Second Collections

January Fuel and Heat
February Emergency/Human Outreach
March Emergency/Human Outreach
April Deficit Reduction   
May Deficit Reduction
June Deficit Reduction   
July Emergency/Human Needs Outreach     
August Cooling/Light 
September Tuition Assistance
October Archdiocesan Annual Appeal-The appeal helps in the daily work of resourcing and empowering leaders of archdiocesan parish’s and schools. Envelope provided by Archdiocese     
November Emergency/Human Needs Outreach     
December  Tuition Assistance
Summer Propagation of Faith (Mission Co-Op) Funds mission dioceses, societies, and/or orders. Coincides with a speaker at the parish about what they do and their need for help. Envelops provided at the time by the Archdiocese of Omaha.

National Collections. These collections help the Church’s works of social justice, evangelization, catechesis, and national and local institutional development–domestically and around the world.

January                Seminary Fund-Enables the archdiocese to cover educational costs and pay stipends for living expenses for its students in major and minor seminaries.  (Archdiocese of Omaha Collection)

February      Home and Foreign Missions (4 in 1)
Latin America-Supports the vast needs of the local churches in Latin America. especially in the areas of evangelization, pastoral programs and formation of laity, religious and seminarians.
Holy Land-Assists in the care and maintenance of Holy Sites.
Catholic University-Provides funding for academic scholarships at the Catholic University of America in Washington DC.
Home Missions-Helps extend and strengthen the presence of the Church in the US and its dependencies through the support of basic pastoral services in areas that struggle to provide such necessities on their own.
Black and Indian Missions-The proceeds of the collection are distributed as grants to dioceses to help support and strengthen the evangelization programs in Black, American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut communities in the U.S. 

March                   Catholic Relief Services-This helps Catholic Relief Services and other efforts at international relief, solidarity and development. In addition to Catholic Relief Services, organizations that receive help from the collection include the USCCB’s Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development and the Department of Migration and Refugee Services. The Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc. and the Holy Father’s Relief Fund also receive help.

April             Home and Foreign Missions-This collection strengthens the Catholic Church both home and abroad where resources are thin and priests are few. It funds a wide range of pastoral services.

May                       Catholic Communication Campaign-The collection helps the Church spread the Gospel message in the U.S. and in developing countries using modern media tools to inform, inspire, and enlighten.

June                      Peter’s Pence-Enables the Holy Father to respond with emergency financial assistance to request to aid the neediest through the world.

October               Mission Sunday-Supports the Pontifical Mission Society as well as the Catholic Near East Welfare Society which addresses the needs of Catholics in the Middle East and North Africa. Your support for World Mission Sunday goes to providing Catholics there with humanitarian aid as well as funding to help Eastern Catholic Churches in union with Rome.

November          Catholic Campaign for Human Development-This collection supports programs that empower people to identify and address the obstacles they face as they work to bring permanent and positive change to their communities. CCHD allocates funds to community projects that promote the mission and vision of CCHD while adhering to the moral and social teachings of the Catholic Church

December           Retirement Fund for ReligiousThe fund helps religious communities care for senior members today and tomorrow.

You may contribute to all of the above (with the exception of One Spirit, One Vision Campaign) plus additional causes on the St. Pius X online giving web page.

Additional causes available to donate to online

Refugee Ministry                                                                                                                    St. Pius X Pantry                                                                                                            Memorials                                                                                                                                    Festival Underwriting

Religious Education Tuition Payments can also be made online.

 To support the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal and other ways to support the SPSL School please go to:

SPSL School

Archdiocesan Annual Appeal